AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science

The intro and advanced levels of our pathway are available for any student to start in any grade level.
We are a very proud recipient of the AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award

  • Both articulated: students get 4 units of college credit for each class without an AP Test
  • APCS Principles covers the 3rd recommended year of science on college apps
  • APCS covers the 3rd recommended year of math on college apps
  • APCS Principles is the only weighted GPA freshman class at AVHS
  • AP Test optional for further benefits
  • Compete in multiple competitons
  • Easter Egg
computer related patterns

Webpage Design and Advanced Webpage Design

The intro and advanced levels of Webpage Design explore the graphical and mobile side of compter science. Students write code from scratch to create stunning and interactive full featured websites.

  • Both articulated: students get 4 units of college credit for each class
  • Paid internship available to students in the advanced class
  • Compete in multiple competitons - We are multi-year State Champions!
  • Build GAMES like these...
generic computer code

Video Game Design

Students rapidly learn to prototype and build functional video games using Unreal Engine. The class covers all aspects of video game design from charater design and story development to level creation and playtesting.

  • 100% hands-on activities - build your first video game by day 4
  • Individual projects - make what you can dream up
  • Explore your passion - lore, coding, animating, creating
  • Compete in multiple competitons
Video Game Design logos on a computer

Start here go EVERYWHERE

We are very proud of the schools our students attend after leaving our program.



Cal Poly Pomona

UC Berkely

UC Irvine


Our Alumni

See where students from AVHS Computer Science have gone next!


After attending his college career fair at UC Irvine one student was invited to attend the Adobe 2018 internship group. After a successful internship he was hired full time as a Computer Programmer.


The quintessential software company, one recent grad went directly from UCLA to Microsoft as a software engineer.

Riot Games

League of Legends is a major game in the world of eSports and one former student is working on leveraging machine learning algorithms to improve the gameplay experiences for players.


Startup company Doordash is always looking for talented programmers, not just drivers. One former student is now a part of their app development team.


Often listed as a "dream job", jobs at Google are very hard to obtain. After going through multiple internship and mentor programs we now have our first alumni Google Employee.


For Parents

Welcome to the Apple Valley High School Computer Science Family. I hope to have your student for all four years and will help them as much as I would my own child. Everyone can learn Computer Science and everyone deserves to have some fun while doing it. I am extremely proud of how far my students have gone in the world and our industries!

Grading Policy

I will grade and regrade any work for the current grading period as long as is fair to both of us, typically the Monday before they are due. I care more about a student gaining and proving learning than on initial deadlines. I have weekly due dates so that students know what is expected to be done by the end of the week. Any work that is not completed on time can still recieve full credit, but there may be an additional interview to prove the work shows real knowledge and growth. There is no excuse for a bad grade, just ask for help.

Why Computer Science

  • AP Classes are weighted
  • College Credit
  • SkillsUSA Competitions
  • Local Competitions
  • Scholarships
  • Our Students MAKE IT!

Extra Help

I start most days with an open time to get help and a check in for students who were recently absent. Any student can ask for help on any old assignment, no matter how long ago it was due. All work can be made up at home using free software or I offer help almost every day at lunch. There is no excuse for a bad grade, just ask for help and come see me at lunch. For most classes the use of AI tools and YouTube tutorials can greatly augment missed learning and help students get back on track.

Get in touch

Ryan Ostlie - Instructor - ryan_ostlie@avusd.org
Gretchen Peratt - CTE Coordinator - gretchen_peratt@avusd.org